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Frank Haughton

Frank Haughton

Frank was born in County Wicklow in the East of Ireland and educated at Rockwell College in the South of Ireland.

In 1993, he embarked on an incredible journey by opening an enchanting Irish Pub in the heart of Prague, marking a pioneering moment in Central Europe as the first to bring the smooth pour of Guinness on tap. Since then, he has flourished by launching several thriving enterprises that continue to charm patrons to this day.

His business is defined by a beautiful fusion of the Czech and Irish communities, fostering unity through a tapestry of vibrant cultural events that celebrate their rich heritage.

Frank is an avid enthusiast, constantly seeking fresh inspiration from the innovative minds of Czech restaurateurs and chefs. He passionately believes that Prague's culinary scene rivals that of any global metropolis. His collaboration with Bageteria Boulevard has been a delightful journey, but above all, it's about the joy of delivering delectable flavors and inventive pairings that truly captivate our cherished guests.

Indulge in the allure of our latest Irish culinary delights—come experience the irresistible flavors yourself!

Irish flag soup

Irish flag soup

carrot-pumpkin creamy soup with orange and ginger, cream cheese, and parsley pesto or potato-leek soup according to the daily menu


Previous Chef Menu

Istanbul Chef Menu Katalánské Chef menu Zapomenuté recepty z 60. let Belgické Chef menu Chef menu Balkán Chef menu Provence Švýcarské Chef menu Chef menu z Farmy Trentino Chef menu Dánské Chef menu Izraelské Chef menu Pyrenejské Chef menu Slovenské Chef menu Marcela Ihnačáka Portugalské Chef Menu Italské Chef Menu z Piemontských vinic Tyrolské Chef Menu Britské Chef menu Saint-Tropez Chef Menu Chef menu z Apulie Zimní Chef menu mistra české kuchyně Skandinávské Chef Menu Toskánské chef menu Jaro v Marche Alpské Chef Menu Martina Kortuse Chef menu Miroslava Kaliny Greek Style Asijské chef menu Rakousko-uherské zimní chef menu Hvězdná zima

Praha 1 - BB Koruna

Václavské náměstí 1
Na Příkopě 2
Praha 1

Otevírací doba:

Pondělí - Sobota
08:00 - 23:00
08:00 - 22:00


M: 732 341 445